Welcome to my Shala!

Catch my flow ~
I am currently teaching at The Culture Center in Holladay, UT. 4411 s. 2950 e.
I teach a gentle restorative yoga flow every Monday evening at 5:30p & 7:00p. This class includes the use of lots of props and modifications to help your body fit the pose. Props include: blocks, blankets, yoga straps & bolsters. Class also will have the use of sound healing. A sound bath savasana is currently being offered to seal our practice together.
Can't wait to flow together!
Work with me 1:1
information coming soon

The 8 Limbs of Yoga
When people think of yoga, they often think of 1 limb- maybe two- and that is 3. Asana & 4. Pranayama. However, there are actually 8 limbs of yoga! Here's an overview~
1. Yamas: five ethical standards of the outer relationship
~ahimsa) compassion for all living things, satya) commitment to truthfulness, asteya) not taking anything that has not been freely given, brahmacharya) non- excessiveness, aparigraha) letting go of attachments and understanding that change is the only constant.
2. Niyamas: five ethical standards of the inner relationship
~saucha) purity/ cleanliness, santosha) contentment, karma, tapas) self discipline in the use of our energy, svadhyaya) to intentionally finding self awareness, isvara pranidhana) celebration of the spiritual through surrender.
3. Asana: practice of the physical body to prepare the body and mind for meditation.
4. Pranayama: controlling and directing the breath.
5. Pratyahara: restraining/ controlling of the senses
6. Dharana: the steadying of the mind
7. Dhyana: assimilation - meditation on the divine
8. Samadhi: union with the divine